Rocio Castellanos, CHT, LC
Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner
Flower Essences
**I am not a medical doctor or psychiatrist, therefore, I cannot give medical advice and my services should not be construed as medical replacement.**
What are Flower Essences?
Flower essences are essentially the energetic imprints or the “mark” that results from a flower or different parts of the flower being submerged in water and then adding in small amounts of alcohol, like brandy, for preservation, resulting in a flower essence.
Unlike essential oils, which are also derived from plants, they don’t have any specific flavor or color. If any flower essence were to be “tested” all that would be found would be water and the alcohol (or whichever preservative is being used). The actual essence of the flower is not “visible”, it does not give off any particular scent or flavor.
What is the purpose of flower essences?
The purpose behind flower essences is to provide the person with many overall mind, body, spirit benefits and a state of wellbeing. Essences are not “medicines” in the view of government product regulations. However, essences help the body eliminate underlying energy imbalances, breaking blocks, releasing what not longer serves a purpose in our body.
Physical-- a physical problem where the underlying emotional and mental stresses might be helped by the use of essences.¹
Emotional-- an emotional problem that essences might help to release.¹
Mental-- a mental attitude, belief or psychological problem that essences might help to ease. ¹
Spiritual-- a spiritual or philosophical problem that essences might help to unravel. ¹
How are flower essences produced?
There are several ways that a flower essence can be produced:
The sun
The moon
Calling upon guides
Channeling energy
Boiling them
Pouring water over live flowers
Dipping live flowers in water
Essentially, all of these methods require that the flower be “in” the water which will result in having the water capture the flower essence which produces significant healing, personal growth, spiritual development, and mental clarity to name a few of the benefits. However, the water may be placed near the flower (or object the essence is made from), for example, let’s say you have a rose bush at home you would like to make rose flower essence but don’t want to cut any of the actual roses then you would place the water as near to the flower as possible. Think of how you would make moon water for instance, the water is placed directly under the moonlight.
Who can use flower essences?
Anyone can use flower essences, if there is a sensitivity to alcohol or if the flower essence is for children, there are alcohol free flower essences available made with non-alcoholic preservatives, however, you should always exercise caution when taking any product.
How are flower essences preserved?
Essences in liquid form are preserved using:
Alcohol base:
Non-alcoholic base:
Glycerol-- a colorless, non-toxic, mainly used in processed food & sweets
Citricidal-- grapefruit seed extract
Are flower essences a type of healing modality?
For those of us that practice energy healing modalities such as Reiki, flower essences work in a very similar way. Energy is being recycled, giving, receiving, channeled. All done with loving, light intention for the greater good of self and others.
How long and how often should I take a flower essence?
It is recommended by Dr. Edward Bach, developer of Bach Flower remedies, that four drops three to four times daily should be taken. As far as the length of consumption it should be determined by the resolution of any unwanted habits or patterns expressed by the person ingesting the flower essence. Usually 2 to 4 weeks is considered a “cycle” or duration of taking a flower essence.
How do I use the flower essence?
Flower essences are safe to use by:
Rubbing them on the skin on specific points:
chakras or meridian points
on the wrists
Flower essences can be added to bathwater
Used as body sprays
on body and Clothes
Hand lotions
How do I choose a flower essence?
A flower essence can be chosen by the person who will be taking the flower essence based on their personal needs.
Personal Preference
Finger testing²
Using one hand only, gently rub the thumb against the tops of the first and second finger-tips (as in the common hand gesture indicating money).
While saying “yes”, or when the “yes response” is indicated, the feeling should be smooth.
While saying “no”, or when a “no response” is indicated, the feeling is more resistant, “dry”.
Through the help or guidance of an Aromatherapist or Flower Essence Practitioner a person can be guided on which flower essence best suits their needs. There are no set rules on how to choose a flower essence.
Is there a limit as to how many flower essences I can take at a time?
If you want to select essences for yourself, it is advisable to focus on using just a few at a time. You may want to limit the number of essences you use together to no more than 5. Some flower essences are made up of a combination of various flowers and they are referred to as composite formulas.
What is a mother essence?
A mother essence is the name given to the water that has been infused to make the essence, be it by flowers, moon light, sun light, crystals, etc. It is the main source of water that has been used to create the essence before it has been combined with the preservative (brandy, citricidal, or vinegar)
Links & Resources
¹&² The Essence Practitioner: Choosing and Using Flower and Other Essences, Author Sue Lilly
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